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READ INTERVALHow often should the battery voltage be read out and checked? Disabled if set to zero.int5s

Critical Level

DURATIONHow long should the specified voltage remain before triggering the 'vehicle/battery/critical_level' event.int180s
VOLTAGESpecifies the voltage threshold where the device should trigger the 'vehicle/battery/critical_level' event and then go into hibernation. To have any effect, this value must be greater than the safety cut-out voltage.float-V


VERSIONVersion number of the power management firmware.str3.1-
AUTO UPDATEAutomatic update of the firmware on the power management chip?boolTrue-


POWER SAVEPut modem into lower power mode during sleep? When enabled it is no longer possible to wakup device on SMS.boolTrue-

Safety Cut-Out

DURATIONHow long time should the specified voltage remain before taking effect? It is important that this value is lower than any sleep timer period, otherwise the device can power down normally before this condition is met.int240s
VOLTAGESpecifies at what voltage the device will be forcibly powered off to prevent battery drain. It is never recommended to go below 12.1 volts, as it may damage the battery and shorten its life.str12.20V

Sleep Timer

Event Driven

INTERVALHow long time should the device sleep before waking up again?int3600s
REASONExplanatory reason for sleeping.strengine_stopped-
DELAYHow long delay before the actual shutdown takes effect?int10s
PERIODHow long time after the event has triggered should the device go to sleep?int1800s
EVENT REGEXOn which event(s) should this sleep timer be enabled?str^vehicle/engine/stopped-

Inactivity After Sleep

INTERVALHow long time should the device sleep before waking up again?int21600s
PERIODWhen waking up after sleep, how long time will the device stay awake before going to sleep again?int300s
DELAYHow long delay before the actual shutdown takes effect?int10s

Inactivity Fallback

INTERVALHow long time should the device sleep before waking up again?int21600s
DELAYHow long delay before the actual shutdown takes effect?int10s
PERIODHow long time should the device stay awake until it is powered down due to inactivity?int300s


SCHEDULESpecifies one or more time periods during which the device must be awake. Added sleep timers are adjusted accordingly to not sleep for the specified time periods. The format consists of a cron expression in UTC, then a pipe sign (|) as separator and finally a duration in seconds. Example: 0 8 * * *7200str
EVENT REGEXWhich event(s) should disable current sleep timers and prevent new ones from being enabled?str^vehicle/engine/running-

Wake Trigger

VOLTAGE CHANGEHow much should the voltage change for the device to power up on engine start? Be careful about changing this parameter too much, as it could prevent your dongle from powering on.str+0.50V
VOLTAGE LEVELAt what voltage level should the device power on?--V
VOLTAGE CHANGE DURATIONHow long should the specified voltage change be observed before the device powers up on engine start?int1000ms
VOLTAGE LEVEL DURATIONHow long should the specified voltage level be observed before the device powers on?int3s