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PRINT SPACESTurn printing of spaces in OBD responses on or off. To get better performance, turn spaces off.boolTrue-
ADAPTIVE TIMINGSet adaptive timing mode. Sometimes, a single OBD requests results in multiple response frames. The time between frames varies significantly depending on the vehicle year, make, and model - from as low as 5ms up to 100ms.int1-
RESPONSE TIMEOUTWhen adaptive timing is on, this sets the maximum time that is to be allowed, even if the adaptive algorithm determines that the setting should be longer. In most circumstances, it is best to let the adaptive timing algorithm determine what to use for the timeout.int50ms

Can Database

PROTOCOL CONFIGURATIONSProtocol-specific configurations used when loading a CAN database (from DBC file).json--

Elm327 Proxy

RESET AFTER USEReset the underlying STN subsystem after the proxy has been used?boolTrue-
PORTSpecify which port to listen on.int35000-
PAUSE WORKERSPause all OBD worker threads while the ELM327 proxy is being used? The threads will be resumed when the proxy is no longer in use.boolTrue-
ENABLEDEnable the ELM327 proxy to support 3rd party mobile apps like Torque Lite/Pro on Android and Car Scanner on iOS. This is currently an experimental feature.boolFalse-


LEVELChange if you want more detailed logging. Please note that more logging can have a negative impact on performance.int20-
FILEThe filename to which logs should be written. The default directory path is '/var/log/salt' if none other specified. Leave empty to disable logging.strelm327_proxy.log-