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Key Fob

EXTENSION PORTWhich user extension port on the AutoPi main board is the key fob connected to?int2-
ENABLEDEnable control of a key fob connected to the AutoPi main board.boolFalse-


ACTIONSDefine available actions corresponding to the key fob buttons.jsonSee below-
{"duration": 0.25, "name": "green", "pin": {"initial": true, "wire": "green"}},
{"duration": 0.25, "name": "white", "pin": {"initial": true, "wire": "white"}},
{"duration": 0.25, "name": "grey", "pin": {"initial": true, "wire": "grey"}},
{"duration": 0.25, "name": "red", "pin": {"initial": true, "wire": "red"}},
{"duration": 0.25, "name": "black", "pin": {"initial": true, "wire": "black"}}

## Pins

| Name | Description | Type | Default | Unit |
| ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ |
| DELAY AFTER INITIALIZATION | Specify a delay after initialization of GPIO pins to ensure a pause before execution of any button actions. | int | 0 | s |
| RESET AFTER DELAY | How long time after powering off the key fob should the GPIO pins be reset (all pins set to low)? If a negative value is specified, no reset occurs. If set to zero, reset occurs immediately without any delay. | int | -1 | s |
| LAZY INITIALIZATION | Initialize GPIO pins lazily after first manual key fob power state check (or change) instead of during startup? | bool | False | - |