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SAMPLING RATEHow many samples per second? Increasing this will affect system performance negatively. Only change this value if you know what you are doing.float12.5Hz
RANGEMaximum number of g-forces being measured.int8g


SAMPLING RATEGyroscope sampling rate. How often will the gyroscope sample new data? A value of 0 means the gyroscope is disabled.float0Hz
RANGEMaximum number of degrees per second that the gyroscope will measure.int250deg/s


RETURNERSWhich Cloud returner(s) should be used?str-
FILTER DUPLICATESFilter out duplicate measurements?boolTrue-
DECIMALSMore decimals means a lot more data. Be very careful about increasing this value.int2-

Motion Events

ENABLETrigger motion events based on XYZ measurements?boolTrue-
SHAKE PERCENTAGEPercentage of positive motion detections required within duration period to conclude shaking.float90%
SHAKE G THRESHOLDG force threshold for shaking detection. Disabled when set to zero.float0.01g
JOLT DURATIONHow long in seconds should the G force threshold be observed over?int1s
DEBOUNCE DELAYMinimum delay in seconds between triggering events.int1s
JOLT G THRESHOLDG force threshold for jolting detection. Disabled when set to zero.float0.6g
SHAKE DURATIONHow long in seconds should the G force threshold be observed over?int3s

Wake On Motion

Devices with a hardware version of 5.1 and earlier have the wake on motion available, this includes Gen 2 devices as well.

Devices with a hardware version of 5.2 and above don't support wake on motion.

SENSITIVITYThe sensitivity of a trigger for the motions/jolts. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 127. The sensitivity value defines how much G force is required to trigger a wake event using the formula sensitivity * 0.063 = Gint5-
MODEEnable the device to wake up whenever it detects motion or transient (jolt) acceleration of the device. Transient mode detects jolts (fast movements), while motion mode detects even slow and steady changes in accelerometer readings.stringdisabled-


ZWake if motion/jolt is detected on the Z axis.boolTrue-
XWake if motion/jolt is detected on the X axis.boolTrue-
YWake if motion/jolt is detected on the Y axis.boolTrue-