System events relate to the running system of the device.
Device Events
These events apply depending on which peripherals are installed inside the dongle.
Tag | Description | Fields |
system/device/ec2x/gnss/assist_data_updated | GNSS assist data of the installed EC2X compatible device has been updated. | - |
system/device/ec2x/powered_off | Installed EC2X compatible device was powered off. Automatic power on is expected immediately after. | reason |
Name | Type | Description | Example |
reason | Text | The explanatory cause for the event. | - |
Minion Events
Tag | Description | Fields |
system/minion/ready | The Minion is started up and ready. | - |
system/minion/online | The Minion is connected to the hub. | - |
system/minion/offline | The Minion is not connected to the hub. | - |
system/minion/restarting | The Minion is restarting because of the specified reason. | reason |
Name | Type | Description | Example |
reason | Text | The explanatory cause for the event. | - |
Network Events
Tag | Description | Fields |
system/network/wwan0/online | The network interface wwan0 has gone online. | - |
system/network/wwan0/offline | The network interface wwan0 has gone offline. | reason |
Name | Type | Description | Example |
reason | Text | The explanatory cause for the event. | - |
Power Events
Tag | Description | Fields |
system/power/_booting | The prefixed underscore indicates that this is a private event and should only be used for debugging purposes. The event describes the internal state of the SPM subsystem. This event may be discarded in the future. | awaken , trigger |
system/power/on | Triggered when it is confirmed that the SPM subsystem is in on state. | awaken , trigger |
system/power/last_off | Informs during start-up the last known timestamp where the device was last powered off. The actual timestamp is retrieved from the syslog and should only be used for debugging purposes. | timestamp |
system/power/recover | Informs during start-up if the device has recovered from an error condition handled by the SPM subsystem. | trigger |
system/power/sleep | Device went into sleep because of specifed reason. | delay , interval , reason , uptime |
system/power/hibernate | Device went into hibernation because of specifed reason. | delay , interval , reason , uptime |
system/power/3v3/restarted | The 3V3 power supply has been restarted. | reason |
system/power/config_failed | One or more configuration parameters of the SPM subsystem could not be loaded and have therefore been restored to default. This event only applies to SPM version 3. | params |
Name | Type | Description | Example |
awaken | Text | The state from which the device awakens. | off , sleeping , hibernating |
delay | Number | Delay in seconds before execution. | 10 |
interval | Number | Planned duration in seconds before expiration. | 300 |
reason | Text | The explanatory cause for the event. | - |
timestamp | Timestamp | Time to be reported. | 2019-03-13T11:10:14 |
trigger | Text | Underlying cause of the event reported by the SPM subsystem. | acc , boot_timeout , heartbeat_timeout , modem , rpi , spm , stn , timer |
uptime | Number | System uptime in seconds. | 3745 |
params | List | List of parameter names. | - |
Release Events
Tag | Description | Fields |
system/release/pending | Installing latest release. | id |
system/release/forcing | Force installing latest release. | id |
system/release/retrying | Retrying installation of latest release. | id |
system/release/failed | Installation of latest release failed. | id |
system/release/updated | Installation of latest release succeeded. | id |
Name | Type | Description | Example |
id | UUID | ID of the concerned release. | 8ff5526a3dafe2fc0e80675f32755578ddaf3962 |
STN Events
Tag | Description | Fields |
system/stn/not_connected | Not connected to STN11XX interface. | - |
system/stn/interface_connected | Connected to STN11XX interface. | - |
system/stn/bus_connected | Connected to bus using specified protocol. | protocol , autodetected |
system/stn/bus_disconnected | Was connected to a bus but is now disconnected. | - |
Name | Type | Description | Example |
protocol | Text | ID of the protocol. | 6 |
autodetected | Boolean | Has the protocol been autodetected or not? | true |
Time Events
Tag | Description | Fields |
system/time/synced | The system clock was synchronized with the specifed source. | new , old , source |
system/time/uncertain | The system clock is not synchronized. | - |
Name | Type | Description | Example |
new | Timestamp | The new time after synchronization. | 19-03-13 10:08:19 |
old | Timestamp | The old time before synchronization. | 2019-03-13 10:08:30 |
source | Text | The source that was synchronized against. | network , ntp , rtc |
RFID Events
Tag | Description | Fields |
system/rfid/<rfid_token>/read | A new RFID token has been read by the reader. | - |
system/rfid/<rfid_token>/rejected | A token that was read was rejected. | - |
system/rfid/<rfid_token>/authenticated | A token that was read was authenticated. | valid_from , valid_for |
Name | Type | Description | Example |
valid_from | Timestamp | From what time is the token valid. The timestamp is in UTC. | 2019-03-13 10:08:30 |
valid_for | Number | For how long (in seconds) is the token valid for. | 7200 |
Short Message Service (SMS) Events
Tag | Description | Fields |
system/sms/received | A new SMS message was received. | sender , timestamp , text |
Name | Type | Description | Example |
sender | Text | The phone number of whoever sent the message, including country code. | +4501020304 |
timestamp | Timestamp | The timestamp that the message was received on. Timestamp is in UTC. | 2019-03-13 10:08:30 |
text | Text | The text contained in the mesage. | 'An example text message.' |
Hotspot Events
Tag | Description | Fields |
system/hotspot/client/<mac>/connected | A client with MAC accress <mac> has connected to the device's hotspot. | - |
system/hotspot/client/<mac>/disconnected | A client with MAC accress <mac> has disconnected from the device's hotspot. | - |
system/hotspot/client/<mac>/not_connected | A client with MAC accress <mac> hasn't connected to the device's hotspot. This is only available with the custom handler hostapd.expect_allow_list_handler . | - |
Name | Type | Description | Example |
mac | Text | A Media Access Control address. | 2C-54-91-88-C9-E3 |
USB Device Events
Tag | Description | Fields |
system/usb/<vendor_id>/<product_id>/connected | A USB device was connected to the AutoPi. Run usbutil.devices to get a list of currently connected devices. | bus , device , name |
system/usb/<vendor_id>/<product_id>/disconnected | A USB device has disconnected from the AutoPi. | bus , device , name |
system/usb/<vendor_id>/<product_id>/not_connected | A device with <vendor_id> and <product_id> has been specified as expected, but was not found to be connected when the device was started. | - |
Name | Type | Description | Example |
bus | Text | The (linux) bus number the device is connected on. | 001 |
device | Text | The device number the system has assigned to the device. | 001 |
vendor | Text | The vendor hexadecimal number/ID of the device. | 1d6d |
product | Text | The product's hexadecimal number/ID of the device. | 0002 |
name | Text | The device's name. | Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub |
Docker Events
We pass through the following docker events from the docker instance event stream.
- start
- stop
- die
- pull
See more information about the events here:
Tag | Description | Fields |
system/docker/container/<name>/start | A container was started. This event will occur every time the device starts. | release_hash , image , name , project , id , release |
system/docker/container/<name>/stop | A container was stopped. | release_hash , image , name , project , id , release |
system/docker/container/<name>/die | A container stopped unexpectedly. | release_hash , image , name , project , id , release |
system/docker/image/<name>/pull | An image was pulled | tag , release_hash , image , name , project , id , release |
Name | Type | Description | Example |
release_hash | Text | The version of the docker release | e205220a |
image | Text | The name of the image | redis:bullseye |
name | Text | Unique name of the container | project_name-container_name-pretty_version |
project | Text | Project name | my_project |
id | Text | ID of docker object | 40d7a9a7d6bb3c085149a45fc1874de8b4541bac7a28a46f60f734e34f52989b |
release | Text | Pretty version of the release | 1.2.3 |