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Get location by triangulation (QuecLocator).


Signal quality report indicates the received signal strength and the channel bit error rate.


Manages current connection.


  • close (bool): Close serial connection? Default value is False.


  • ec2x.connection
  • ec2x.connection close=True



DEPRECATED Use 'manage context' instead.

Gets current context.


Check how many bytes are sent to and received by the module.


Deletes a single file or all the files in the specified storage.


Delete messages from message storage.

It is possible to list possible for deleting if no indexes are passed and the delete_all kwarg is not passed (or set to False).

Keyword argumnets:

  • index (int): The index of the message to be deleted. Default None.
  • delete_all (bool): Set this boolean to true if all messages stored in the modem should be deleted. Default False.
  • confirm (bool): A confirm flag when deleting messages. Default False.

Low-level function to download files.



Controls the format of error result codes: ERROR, error numbers or verbose messages as +CME ERROR: <err> and +CMS ERROR: <err>.


Revision identification of software release.


The command is used to turn on GNSS function. Currently <mode> only supports turning on GNSS in Stand-alone Solution. When <fixcount> is 0, GNSS will fix position continuously, and it can be turned off via AT+QGPSEND. When <fixcount> is non-zero and reaches the specified value, GNSS will be turned off automatically.

When GNSS is turned on and <fixcount> is 0, GNSS fixes position continuously. In this case, GNSS can be turned off compulsorily via this command. When <fixcount> is non-zero, GNSS will be turned off automatically when the parameter reaches the specified value, and thus the command can be ignored.


  • enable (bool):
  • mode (int): Default value is 1.
  • fix_max_time (int): Default value is 30.
  • fix_max_dist (int): Default value is 50.
  • fix_count (int): Default value is 0.
  • fix_rate (int): Default value is 1.


This command can be used to enable gpsOneXTRA Assistance function, and the function can be activated after restarting the module.


Query the status or specify gpsOneXTRA data file.


Delete assistance data to operate cold start, hot start and warm start of GNSS. The command can only be executed when GNSS is turned off. After deleting the assistance data via this command, cold start of GNSS can be enforced via AT+QGPS. Hot/warm start can also be performed if the corresponding conditions are satisfied.

  • 0 = Delete all assistance data except gpsOneXTRA data. Enforce cold start after starting GNSS.
  • 1 = Do not delete any data. Perform hot start if the conditions are permitted after starting GNSS.
  • 2 = Delete some related data. Perform warm start if the conditions are permitted after starting GNSS.
  • 3 = Delete the gpsOneXTRA assistance data injected into GNSS engine.


This command can be used to inject gpsOneXTRA time to GNSS engine. Before using it, customers must enable gpsOneXTRA Assistance function via AT+QGPSXTRA=1 command. After activating the function, the GNSS engine will ask for gpsOneXTRA time and assistance data file. Before injecting gpsOneXTRA data file, gpsOneXTRA time must be injected first via this command.


Enable/disable GNSS to run automatically after the module is powered on. Configuration parameter will be automatically saved to NVRAM. The default value is 0.


Configure supported GNSS constellation.


Requires restart of EC2x module to take effect.

Supported GNSS constellation (GPS is always on):

  • 0 = GLONASS off/BeiDou off/Galileo off
  • 1 = GLONASS on/BeiDou on/Galileo on
  • 2 = GLONASS on/BeiDou on/Galileo off
  • 3 = GLONASS on/BeiDou off/Galileo on
  • 4 = GLONASS on/BeiDou off/Galileo off
  • 5 = GLONASS off/BeiDou on/Galileo on
  • 6 = GLONASS off/BeiDou off/Galileo on


Gets or sets the fix frequency of the GNSS engine.


When changing the fix frequency, the GNSS engine needs to be restarted

for changes to take effect.

The fix frequency of the GNSS engine corresponds to how often will the position (latitude and longitude) update. Possible values (Hz):

  • None (default): returns the current fix_frequency of the GNSS engine
  • 1
  • 2
  • 5
  • 10


Acquire positioning information on request.

Mode controls latitude and longitude display format:

  • 0 = ddmm.mmmm N/S,dddmm.mmmm E/W
  • 1 = ddmm.mmmmmm N/S,dddmm.mmmmmm E/W
  • 2 = (-)dd.ddddd,(-)ddd.ddddd



Get NMEA GGA data parsed into dict.


Get NMEA GSA data parsed into dict.


Get list where entries are grouped by all available satellites in NMEA GSV data.


Enable/disable output of extended GSV information. Elevation/Azimuth/SNR (C/No) will be displayed as decimals when extended information is enabled, otherwise they will be displayed as integers. The configuration parameter will be automatically saved to NVRAM.


Configure output type of BeiDou NMEA sentences.


Requires restart of EC2x module to take effect.

Configure output type of BeiDou NMEA sentences via ORed, and the configuration parameter will be automatically saved to NVRAM. The default value is 0.

  • 0 = Disable
  • 1 = GSA
  • 2 = GSV


Configure output type of Galileo NMEA sentences.


Requires restart of EC2x module to take effect.

Configure output type of Galileo NMEA sentences by ORed, and the configuration parameter will be automatically saved to NVRAM. The default value is 0.

  • 0 = Disable
  • 1 = GSV


Configure output type of GLONASS NMEA sentences.


Requires restart of EC2x module to take effect.

Configure output type of GLONASS NMEA sentences by ORed, and the configuration parameter will be automatically saved to NVRAM. The default value is 0.

  • 0 = Disable
  • 1 = GSV
  • 2 = GSA
  • 4 = GNS


Configure output type of GPS NMEA sentences.


Requires restart of EC2x module to take effect.

Output type of GPS NMEA sentences by ORed, and the configuration parameter will be automatically saved to NVRAM. The default value is 31 which means that all the five types of sentences will be output.

  • 0 = Disable
  • 1 = GGA (Essential fix data which provide 3D location and accuracy data)
  • 2 = RMC (Recommended minimum data for GPS)
  • 4 = GSV (Detailed satellite data)
  • 8 = GSA (Overall satellite data)
  • 16 = VTG (Vector track and speed over the ground)


Configure the output port of NMEA sentences, and the configuration parameter will be automatically saved to NVRAM.

Port options:

  • none = Close NMEA sentence output
  • usbnmea = Output via USB NMEA port
  • uartdebug = Output via UART debug port


Acquire NMEA sentence(s) data on request.

Available types:

  • GGA (Fix information)
  • RMC (Recommended minimum data for GPS)
  • GSV (Detailed satellite data)
  • GSA (Overall satellite data)
  • VTG (Vector track an speed over the ground)
  • GNS


Enables/disables acquisition of NMEA sentences on request via commands.


Get list of summarized information about each satellite currently in view.

Shows this help information.


Returns the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI).


lists the information of a single file or all files in the required storage medium.


List all messages from message storage.


In order to use this function, you need to first execute ec2x.sms_format_config value=1

to set the correct format of the SMS messages.


Runtime management of the underlying service instance.


  • hook list|call <name> [argument]... [<key>=<value>]...
  • worker list|show|start|pause|resume|kill <name>
  • reactor list|show <name>
  • run <key>=<value>...


  • ec2x.manage hook list
  • ec2x.manage hook call exec_handler ATI
  • ec2x.manage worker list *
  • ec2x.manage worker show *
  • ec2x.manage worker start *
  • ec2x.manage worker pause *
  • ec2x.manage worker resume *
  • ec2x.manage worker kill *
  • ec2x.manage reactor list
  • ec2x.manage reactor show *
  • ec2x.manage run handler="exec" args="[\"ATI\"]" returner="cloud"


Get or set the modem`s functionality level. There are three values that can be selected:

  1. minimum - minimal functionality level
  2. full - full functionality level
  3. disable - disable all communication going in and from the modem


  • value (string): Default None. If the functionality level on the modem should be changed, this parameter needs to be set to one of the three available values: [minimum, full, disable]
  • reset (boolean): Default False. This parameter is ignored if value == None. If set to a truthy value, the modem will be completely restarted with the execution of this function


Gets the network registration status from the modem. There are five possible results:

  1. not-registered-not-searching: Modem isnt registered to a network. The modem isnt searching for a new network.
  2. not-registered-searching: Modem isn`t registered to a network, but searching for one.
  3. registration-denied: Registration has been denied.
  4. registered-home: Modem is registered to a home network.
  5. registered-roaming: Modem is registered to a roaming network.


This command returns the current operators and their status, and allows setting automatic or manual network selection. There are three actions that can be achieved through this function.

The Search action returns a set of five parameters each representing an operator present in the network. This list can later be used to attempt connecting to a specific operator.

The Read action returns the current mode and the currently selected operator. If no operator is selected, <format>, <operator> and <access_tech> are omitted.

The Write action forces an attempt to select and register the GSM/UMTS network operator. If the selected operator is not available, no other operator shall be selected (except when using <mode>=4).


  • search (bool): Default False. Whether the search action should be executed. Search action attempts to retrieve all currently available operators in the area. This can take a long time. If this argument is provided, all other parameters will be ignored.
  • mode (string): Default None. What mode should the operator selection be put in.
  • op_format (string): Default None. In what format is the operator name written in.
  • operator (string): Default None. The operator name to attempt a connection with.
  • access_tech (string): Default None. The access technology that should be used.


Low-level function to run power command.


Used to shut down the entire EC2x module. The module will restart automatically. A 30-second wait is included after power off to allow the module time to recover before receiving any new command requests.


Display product identification information.


Low-level function to execute AT commands.


Specifies the RI (Ring Indicator) behavior when other URCs are presented.


  • value (str):
  • pulse_duration (int): Default value is 120.
  • pulse_count (int): Default value is 1.


Specifies the RI (Ring Indicator) signal output carrier.


  • value (str):


Specifies the RI (Ring Indicator) behavior when incoming SMS URCs are presented.


  • value (str):
  • pulse_duration (int): Default value is 120.
  • pulse_count (int): Default value is 1.


Retrieves the current roaming configuration. If value parameter is set, it`ll set the roaming service to that value.

Possible values:

  • False - (bool) Roaming is disabled
  • True - (bool) Roaming is enabled
  • auto - (string) Roaming is set to Auto mode


Gets or sets the SMS format configuration.

Possible values:

  • 0: PDU mode - entire TP data units used (hex responses). This is the default value.
  • 1: Text mode - headers and body of the message given as separate parameters.


Synchronize system time with network time.


Obtain the latest time synchronized through network

Query network time mode:

  • 0 = Query the latest time that has been synchronized through network
  • 1 = Query the current GMT time calculated from the latest time that has been synchronized through network
  • 2 = Query the current LOCAL time calculated from the latest time that has been synchronized through network


Low-level function to upload files.



Configure the output port of URC (Unsolicited Result Code).

Port options:

  • usbat (USB AT port)
  • usbmodem (USB modem port)
  • uart1 (Main UART)