Export Data from API
The API has endpoints that allows the user to retrieve all the telemetry data from devices. There is two different endpoint available.
Aggregated DataThis data is aggregated by interval and a method (average, min, max), and is among other things used for the charts in our frontend dashboard.
The aggregated data can be retrieved by using this endpoint:
GET /logbook/storage/read/
Additional API documentation here:
The endpoint takes the following parameters
Parameter | Description |
device_id | ID of the device (not the unit_id) |
field | The field that the value should be retrieved from. See 'Field' below |
field_type | The type of the field. See 'Field' below. [float, geo_point, string, long] |
from_utc | From time in UTC. ISO format. "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" |
to_utc | To time in UTC. ISO format. "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" |
interval | This is the interval to use when aggregating. ie. data for 24 hour queried with interval set to '1h' will return 24 data points, one for each hour. Ignored when aggregation is set to 'none' |
aggregation | Method used when aggregating data into the specified interval. [average, min, max, none]. |
size | Only used when aggregation is set to 'none', and will then return non aggregated values. |
ExampleHow get logged altitude aggregated into 1 minute average values
GET /logbook/storage/read/ ?device_id=6a6c53b5-e18e-4301-9c95-2516006bf7c6 &field=track.pos.alt &field_type=float &aggregation=avg &from_utc=2020-07-06T10:03:36.352Z &to_utc=2020-07-06T12:18:14.050Z &interval=1m
FieldTo know which fields you can retrieve data from, you can get the list from the following endpoint:
This will return all the available fields that can be queried, including the type of the field. The data type can be derived from the fields, like so:
Field | Datatype |
obd.speed.value | obd.speed |
obd.bat.level | obd.bat |
This is the list of data types currently available from a standard device.
Datatype |
acc.xyz |
ec2x.data_usage |
obd.ambiant_air_temp |
obd.bat |
obd.coolant_temp |
obd.engine_load |
obd.fuel_level |
obd.intake_temp |
obd.rpm |
obd.speed |
rpi.temp |
track.pos |
Raw DataThe raw data is not aggregated or treated in any way, it is in the same format as it was when it was sent by the device. Remember to keep the time frame of your search narrows to be sure you'll get data back.
GET /logbook/storage/raw/
Parameter | Description |
device_id | ID of the device (not the unit id) |
data_type | Optional. The datatype to retrieve. Will return all datatypes of omitted. See 'Field' above. |
start_utc | From time in UTC. ISO format. "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" |
end_utc | To time in UTC. ISO format. "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" |
use_upload_time | Optional. If false (default), start_utc and end_utc will mean 'period when the data was recorded'. If true, start_utc and end_utc will mean 'period when the data was uploaded'. |
ExampleHow get logged position objects raw
GET logbook/storage/raw/ ?device_id=6a6c53b5-e18e-4301-9c95-2516006bf7c6 &data_type=track.pos &start_utc=2020-11-24T10:13:21.276594Z &end_utc=2020-11-24T11:07:07.177850Z
How to Export TripsTo get trips data you will have to first retrieve the list of trips, and then retrieve the data that you need for the duration of the trip.
The trips endpoint here can give you the trips. (The trips can also be exported to excel/csv format from the trips page) https://api.autopi.io/#/logbook/logbook_trips_list
The reason that there is no single endpoint way to retrieve all data for a specific trip is because there can be a lot of data for trips, and our system can query and filter very large amounts of data very very fast, but the downside is that it is not really geared towards downloading large amounts of data in one go.
For enterprise customers we also support automatic exporting of trips which will call a webhook on an external system signalling that an export can be downloaded.
If you'd like to discuss this topic with us or other fellow community members, you can do so on our community page dedicated for this guide: Exporting telemetry data.