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Obd Manager



Converts a voltage reading result with battery charge state and level.


Converts raw CAN data using the CAN database available for the current protocol. This converter supports both single value results as well as multiple values results. The CAN database file (.dbc) is found on the local file system by the following path expression:

/opt/autopi/obd/can/db/protocol_<PROTOCOL ID>.dbc


Converts Diagnostics Trouble Codes (DTCs) result into a cloud friendly format.


Converts speed value of 255 (max value 0xFF) to 0. Some vehicles can sporadically return value of 255.



Filters out repeating Diagnostics Trouble Codes (DTCs).


Filter that only returns alternating/changed results.



Lists all supported OBD commands found for vehicle.


Manages current connection.


  • baudrate (int): Changes baudrate used to communicate with interface.
  • reset (str): Reboots interface and re-initializes connection.


Dumps all messages from bus to screen or file.


  • duration (int): How many seconds to record data? Default value is 2 seconds.
  • file (str): Write data to a file with the given name.
  • description (str): Additional description to the file.
  • filtering (bool): Use filters while monitoring or monitor all messages? Default value is False. It is possible to specify can or j1939 (PGN) in order to add filters based on the messages found in a CAN database file (.dbc).
  • protocol (str): ID of specific protocol to be used to receive the data. If none is specifed the current protocol will be used.
  • baudrate (int): Specific protocol baudrate to be used. If none is specifed the current baudrate will be used.
  • verify (bool): Verify that OBD-II communication is possible with the desired protocol? Default value is False.
  • raw_response (bool): Get raw response without any validation nor parsing? Default value is False.
  • format_response (bool): Format response messages by separating header and data with a hash sign? Default value is True.


Executes an AT/ST command.


  • cmd (str): Command to execute.


  • assert_result (str or list): Validate the response by checking that is matches this specific value.
  • reset (str): Reset interface after execution. Valid options are: warm, cold
  • keep_conn (bool): Keep connection to interface after execution or close it permanently? Default value is True.
  • type (str): Specify a name of the type of the result. Default is the given command.


Fast export of all messages on a bus to a log file.


  • run (bool): Specify if subprocess should be running or not. If not defined the current state will be queried.
  • folder (str): Custom folder to place export log files.
  • wait_timeout (int): Maximum time in seconds to wait for subprocess to complete. Default value is 0.
  • monitor_filtering (bool): Use filters while monitoring or monitor all messages? Default value is False. It is possible to specify can or j1939 (PGN) in order to add filters based on the messages found in a CAN database file (.dbc).
  • monitor_mode (int): The STN monitor mode. Default is 0.
  • can_auto_format (bool): Apply automatic formatting of messages? Default value is False.
  • read_timeout (int): How long time in seconds should the subprocess wait for data on the serial port? Default value is 1.
  • serial_baudrate (int): Specify a custom baud rate to use for the serial connection to the STN.
  • process_nice (int): Process nice value that controls the priority of the subprocess. Default value is -2.
  • protocol (str): ID of specific protocol to be used to receive the data. If none is specifed the current protocol will be used.
  • baudrate (int): Specific protocol baudrate to be used. If none is specifed the current baudrate will be used.
  • verify (bool): Verify that OBD-II communication is possible with the desired protocol? Default value is False.


Manages filters.


  • action (str): Action to perform. Available actions are auto, list, add, clear and sync.


Fast import of exported log files containing messages from a bus.


  • folder (str): Custom folder to import log files from.
  • limit (int): The maximum number of lines/messages to read each time. Default value is 5000.
  • idle_sleep (int): Pause in seconds if there is no lines/messages to import. Default value is 0.
  • cleanup_grace (int): Grace period in seconds before a fully imported log file is deleted. Default value is 60.
  • process_nice (int): Process nice value that controls the priority of the service. Default value is 0.
  • type (str): Specify a name of the type of the result. Default is raw.


Monitors messages on bus until limit or duration is reached.


  • wait (bool): Wait for each message/line to read according to the default timeout of the serial connection (default 1 second). Otherwise there will only be waiting on the first line/message. Default value is False.
  • limit (int): The maximum number of messages to read. Default value is 500.
  • duration (float): How many seconds to monitor? If not set there is no limitation.
  • mode (int): The STN monitor mode. Default is 0.
  • auto_format (bool): Apply automatic formatting of messages? Default value is False.
  • filtering (bool): Use filters while monitoring or monitor all messages? Default value is False. It is possible to specify can or j1939 (PGN) in order to add filters based on the messages found in a CAN database file (.dbc).
  • protocol (str): ID of specific protocol to be used to receive the data. If none is specifed the current protocol will be used.
  • baudrate (int): Specific protocol baudrate to be used. If none is specifed the current baudrate will be used.
  • verify (bool): Verify that OBD-II communication is possible with the desired protocol? Default value is False.
  • type (str): Specify a name of the type of the result. Default is raw.


Plays all messages from a file on the bus.


  • file (str): Path to file recorded with the obd.dump command.


  • delay (float): Delay in milliseconds between sending each message. Default value is 0.
  • slice (str): Slice the list of messages before sending on the CAN bus. Based one the divide and conquer algorithm. Multiple slice characters can be specified in continuation of each other.
    • t: Top half of remaining result.
    • b: Bottom half of remaining result.
  • filter (str): Filter out messages before sending on the CAN bus. Multiple filters can be specified if separated using comma characters.
    • +[id][#][data]: Include only messages matching string.
    • -[id][#][data]: Exclude messages matching string.
    • +duplicate: Include only messages where duplicates exist.
    • -duplicate: Exclude messages where duplicates exist.
    • +mutate: Include only messages where data mutates.
    • -mutate: Exclude messages where data mutates.
  • group (str): How to group the result of sent messages. This only affects the display values returned from this command. Default value is id.
    • id: Group by message ID only.
    • msg: Group by entire message string.
  • protocol (str): ID of specific protocol to be used to send the data. If none is specifed the current protocol will be used.
  • baudrate (int): Specific protocol baudrate to be used. If none is specifed the current baudrate will be used.
  • verify (bool): Verify that OBD-II communication is possible with the desired protocol? Default value is False.
  • auto_format (bool): Apply automatic formatting of messages? Default value is False.
  • test (bool): Run command in test-only? (dry-run) mode. No data will be sent on CAN bus. Default value is False.


Configures protocol or lists all supported.


  • set (str): Change to protocol with given identifier.
  • baudrate (int): Use custom protocol baudrate.
  • verify (bool): Verify that OBD-II communication is possible with the desired protocol? Default value is False.


Queries an OBD command.


  • name (str): Name of the command.


  • mode (str): Service section of the PID.
  • pid (str): Code section of the PID.
  • header (str): Identifer of message to send. If none is specifed the default header will be used.
  • bytes (int): Byte size of individual returned frame(s). Default value is 0.
  • frames (int): Expected frame count to be returned?
  • strict (int): Enforce strict validation of specified bytes and/or frames. Default value is False.
  • decoder (str): Specific decoder to be used to process the response.
  • formula (str): Formula written in Python to convert the response.
  • unit (str): Unit of the result.
  • protocol (str): ID of specific protocol to be used to receive the data. If none is specifed the current protocol will be used.
  • baudrate (int): Specific protocol baudrate to be used. If none is specifed the current baudrate will be used.
  • verify (bool): Verify that OBD-II communication is possible with the desired protocol? Default value is False.
  • force (bool): Force query of unknown command. Default is False.
  • type (str): Specify an alternative name of the type of the result. Default is the given name of the command.


  • can_extended_address (str): Use CAN extended address.
  • can_priority (str): Set CAN priority bits of a 29-bit CAN ID.
  • can_flow_control_clear (bool): Clear all CAN flow control filters and ID pairs before adding any new ones.
  • can_flow_control_filter (str): Ensure CAN flow control filter is added. Value must consist of <Pattern>,<Mask>.
  • can_flow_control_id_pair (str): Ensure CAN flow control ID pair is added. Value must consist of <Transmitter ID>,<Receiver ID>.


  • j1939_pgn_filter (str): Ensure J1939 PGN filter is added. Value must consist of <PGN>[,<Target Address>].


Queries many OBD commands in one call.

The function should receive an array of dictionaries. Each dict should have an args key which value is an array, and a kwargs key which value is another dictionary. Inside the args and kwargs fields, the respective arguments and keyword arguments from the query_handler should be passed.

Example as command:

$ obd.query_many \
'{"args": ["SPEED"], "kwargs": {"header": "7DF", "mode": "01", "pid": "0D"}}' \
'{"args": ["RPM"], "kwargs": {"header": "7DF", "mode": "01", "pid": "0C"}}'

The dictionaries need to be surrounded by a single quote character, not a backtick.

To set this up as a handler inside a worker, the format is the same. You will need to pass the parameters in the "args" field in the respective workflow.


Lists all dumped recordings available on disk.


Sends a message on bus.


  • msg (str): Message to send.


  • header (str): Identifer of message to send. If none is specifed the default header will be used.
  • auto_format (bool): Apply automatic formatting of messages? Default value is False.
  • auto_filter (bool): Ensure automatic response filtering is enabled. Default value is True if no custom filters have be added.
  • expect_response (bool): Wait for response after sending? Avoid waiting for timeout by specifying the exact the number of frames expected. Default value is False.
  • format_response (bool): Format response frames by separating header and data with a hash sign. Default value is False.
  • raw_response (bool): Get raw response without any validation nor parsing? Default value is False.
  • echo (bool): Include the request message in the response? Default value is False.
  • protocol (str): ID of specific protocol to be used to receive the data. If none is specifed the current protocol will be used.
  • baudrate (int): Specific protocol baudrate to be used. If none is specifed the current baudrate will be used.
  • verify (bool): Verify that OBD-II communication is possible with the desired protocol? Default value is False.
  • output (str): What data type should the output be returned in? Default is a list.
  • type (str): Specify a name of the type of the result. Default is raw.


  • can_extended_address (str): Use CAN extended address.
  • can_priority (str): Set CAN priority bits of a 29-bit CAN ID.
  • can_flow_control_clear (bool): Clear all CAN flow control filters and ID pairs before adding any new ones.
  • can_flow_control_filter (str): Ensure CAN flow control filter is added. Value must consist of <Pattern>,<Mask>.
  • can_flow_control_id_pair (str): Ensure CAN flow control ID pair is added. Value must consist of <Transmitter ID>,<Receiver ID>.


  • j1939_pgn_filter (str): Ensure J1939 PGN filter is added. Value must consist of <PGN>[,<Target Address>].


Setup advanced runtime settings.


  • adaptive_timing (int): Set adaptive timing mode. Sometimes, a single OBD requests results in multiple response frames. The time between frames varies significantly depending on the vehicle year, make, and model - from as low as 5ms up to 100ms. Default value is 1 (on, normal mode).
  • response_timeout (int): When adaptive timing is on, this sets the maximum time that is to be allowed, even if the adaptive algorithm determines that the setting should be longer. In most circumstances, it is best to let the adaptive timing algorithm determine what to use for the timeout. Default value is 50 x 4ms giving a time of approximately 200ms.


  • can_extended_address (str): Use CAN extended address.
  • can_priority (str): Set CAN priority bits of a 29-bit CAN ID.
  • can_flow_control_clear (bool): Clear all CAN flow control filters and ID pairs before adding any new ones.
  • can_flow_control_filter (str): Ensure CAN flow control filter is added. Value must consist of <Pattern>,<Mask>.
  • can_flow_control_id_pair (str): Ensure CAN flow control ID pair is added. Value must consist of <Transmitter ID>,<Receiver ID>.
  • allow_sending_can_frames (bool): Allow the connection to send CAN frames on the CAN bus.


  • j1939_pgn_filter (str): Ensure J1939 PGN filter is added. Value must consist of <PGN>[,<Target Address>].


Gets current status information.



Looks for battery results and triggers vehicle/battery/* event when voltage changes.


Looks for error in result and triggers vehicle/communication/[inactive|established|disconnected] event based on the outcome.


Looks for RPM result and triggers vehicle/engine/[not_running|running|stopped] event based on the value(s) found. This trigger supports single value results as well as multiple values results.


Looks for RPM result and triggers motor vehicle/motor/[not_running|running|stopped] event based on the value(s) found. This trigger supports single value results as well as multiple values results. This trigger is meant to be used for electric vehicles without an engine.


Looks for speed result and triggers motor vehicle/motor/[not_running|running|stopped] event based on the value(s) found. This trigger supports single value results as well as multiple values results. This trigger is meant to be used for electric vehicles without an engine.