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Keyfob HAT Pinout


The keyless entry solution described here only works with the AutoPi TMU CM4 and newer editions

The keyless keyfob extension HAT enables two new ports on the AutoPi device. These can be seen here during the install:

Keyfob HAT pinouts

After assembly of the device, the ports can be seen from the picture below:

Keyfob HAT pinouts

Pinout Conn 1 - RPI

Connection 1 on the Keyfob HAT is controlled from the AutoPi base board, by the standard AutoPi setup.

The pinout for this connector is:

Pin No.Wire ColorNameDescriptionComments
1RedVcc3v3_switchedControllable 3.3V power supplyControlled by the AutoPi base board MCU
2BlackGNDInternal ground
3YellowVcc5v_switchedControllable 5V power supplyControlled by the AutoPi base board MCU
4GreenRPI_ID_SDDigital input/outputControlled by the RPi
5BlueRPI_GPIO24Digital input/outputControlled by the RPi
6WhiteRPI_ID_SCDigital input/outputControlled by the RPi
7OrangeRPI_GPIO27Digital input/outputControlled by the RPi
8PurpleRPI_GPIO23Digital input/outputControlled by the RPi

Pinout Conn 2 - Local

Connection 2 on the Keyfob HAT is controlled locally on the keyfob extension board.

The pinout for this connector is:

Pin No.Wire ColorNameDescriptionComments
1RedVcc3v3_switchedControllable 3.3V power supplyControlled by the HAT's onboard MCU
2BlackGNDInternal ground
3YellowVcc5v_switchedControllable 5V power supplyControlled by the HAT's onboard MCU
4GreenDIO9Digital input/outputControlled by the HAT's onboard MCU
5BlueDIO10Digital input/outputControlled by the HAT's onboard MCU
6WhiteDIO3Digital input/outputControlled by the HAT's onboard MCU
7OrangeDIO2Digital input/outputControlled by the HAT's onboard MCU
8PurpleDIO0Digital input/outputControlled by the HAT's onboard MCU