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DOIP HAT Install

Before proceeding with the install

The DOIP solution described here only works with the AutoPi TMU CM4 and newer editions

DOIP Introduction

This guide provides a general technical overview of the AutoPi DOIP solution.

DOIP stands for "Diagnostic over Internet Protocol." It is a communication protocol used in the automotive industry for diagnostic and programming tasks. DOIP enables the exchange of diagnostic information between a vehicle's electronic control units (ECUs) and diagnostic tools over an IP-based network, such as Ethernet.


Prerequesites for this guide:

  • 3x Plastic screw
  • 2x 6.5 mm plastic spacer

Keyfob flow

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1

Open up the AutoPi device by unscrewing the four screws at the bottom.

Step 2

Step 2

Start preparing the DOIP hat by screwing one 6.5 mm spacer in each hole of the DOIP hat PCB as seen in the pictures.

Keyfob flow

Step 3

Connect the BLE hat with the AutoPi board through the 40 pin headers. Verify that the connectors are properly connected.

Keyfob flow

Step 4

Reasemble the device using the new AutoPi BLE side shield, giving access to two new Keyfob control ports on the side.

Keyfob flow


You have now successfully installed the DOIP solution to the device.


In case you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at